
Hey y’all-made it to the other side and am doing well after my second look lap. Pain is controlled and I’m binge-watching Girls tonight (I’ve never seen it! And Lena seemed an appropriate choice). I’ll be discharged in the morning. I like that my doctor encourages his patients to spend the night-makes life easier on me cause of the foley, and makes life easier on my family. Everyone can get a good night sleep before the fun starts when I get home and need them 24/7. I love my husband but he’s more effective at home with our two boys overnight, and this way I get to catch up with one of my dearest friends who dotes on me. She’s like my surgery doula. It’s pillow talk-but with meds and monitors.  

Its’s a double quadruple
If you have any questions on what excision is and how the recovery from it has been like so far, please holler at me! There’s no over-sharing among endo sisters! xoxo Mel

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